A West Virginia month-to-month rental agreement is a flexible lease that lets tenants rent property from landlords on a short-term basis. Once both parties consent to the document’s terms and sign it, it becomes legally binding. This lease automatically renews every month until either party issues a notice of termination, which is equal to the monthly period.
Legal Requirements for Month-to-Month Leases
- Minimum Termination Period: Either a landlord or a tenant can terminate a month-to-month lease if they provide at least one month’s notice. [1]
- Rent Increase: There is no state statute, but landlords typically issue one month’s notice when increasing the rent.
Required Disclosures
- Lead-based paint hazards
- Notice of a nonrefundable deposit
You can find more in-depth explanations of required disclosures on our West Virginia lease agreement page.
West Virginia Month-to-Month Eviction
When ending a month-to-month lease, the landlord should issue a notice that’s equivalent to the length of one rental period. The landlord should give the tenant the allotted time to move out. If the tenant fails to move out in time, the landlord can take the tenant to eviction court.
The West Virginia Eviction Process details the steps for evicting a tenant.