A North Dakota Medical Power of Attorney allows you to designate someone to make critical medical decisions when you cannot. This form is part of a larger Health Care Directive that lets you make various decisions about your care.
Statute: North Dakota Code Chapter 23-06.5-01-19.
Definition: A “health care directive” is a written document that follows the guidelines of this chapter and contains health care instructions, a health care power of attorney, or both (§ 23-06.5-02(5)).
Signing Requirements: Two (2) Witnesses or a Notary Public (§ 23-06.5-05).
Revocation: By notification by the principal to the agent or health care or long-term care services provider orally, in writing, or by any other act evidencing a specific intent to revoke the directive or by execution by the principal of a subsequent health care directive (§ 23-06.5-07).