A Utah Medical Power of Attorney allows you to appoint someone to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated and cannot express those wishes on your own.
Statute: § 75-2a-117 (Advance Health Care Directive Act)
Signing Requirements: One (1) Witness (§ 75-2a-107(c)).
Revocation: § 75-2a-114
- Write “void” on the document, destroy it with the intention to revoke, instruct someone else to write “void” or destroy it with the intention to revoke,
- Draft a written revocation that is signed and dated by you or someone you direct to do so,
- Orally express the intent to revoke to someone 18 years or older who is not a relative, beneficiary, healthcare provider, or an adult who will become an agent under a new Advance Healthcare Directive, or
- Execute a new form.