A North Dakota Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives someone you designate as your “agent” or “attorney-in-fact” the authority to manage your finances, medical decisions, or other legal matters. The laws governing power of attorney vary from state to state, so it’s necessary to obtain a form specific to North Dakota.
By Type
Durable (Financial)
Use if you want your agent to continue to act on your behalf if you become incapacitated and can't legally make decisions for yourself.
Signing Requirements: None.
Appoint an agent to manage your medical and health care affairs on your behalf.
Signing Requirements: Two witnesses or a notary public. (§ 23-06.5-05).
Non-Durable (General)
Authorize a third party to take care of your financial and general affairs.
Signing Requirements: None.
“Springs” into effect in a certain situation, and ends at a time you choose.
Signing Requirements: None.
Authorize someone to handle DMV transactions for your motor vehicle with this document.
Signing Requirements: Principal only.
Real Estate
Provides an agent the ability to oversee the principal's real estate activities.
Signing Requirements: Notary public.
Tax (Form 500)
Use a North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner Power of Attorney to appoint a state tax agent.
Minor (Child)
Entrusts temporary guardianship for a child's support and schooling.
Signing Requirements: Notary public.